GKNM Hospital > Specialities > Laboratory Medicine > Division of Haematopathology and Clinical Pathology

Division of Haematopathology and Clinical Pathology

Division of Haematopathology and Clinical Pathology Overview

We aim to provide a user-responsive service with rapid turn around of accurate results. Expert clinical and scientific advice is available on the investigation of haematological disorders, the interpretation of test results, and on any further investigations which may be required.

Haematology Analyzer – Beckman Coulter Dx900
  • Fully automated and intergrated Higher End Haematology Analyzer.
  • Bi-directionally interfaced
Coagulation Analyzer – Sysmex CS 1600
  • Consistent accuracy and reliability
  • Pre-analytical sample integrity check
  • Automatic selection of optimal wavelength
  • Flexible STAT analysis for immediate report
  • Auto start-up of analyzer
  • Sophisticated software
Urine Analyzer Sysmex UX 2000
  • Automated test strip analysis
  • Fluorescence flow cytometry method
  • Comprehensive list of parameters
  • Efficient workflow management
  • automation
  • Up to 150 samples/hour
Automatic ESR Analyzer – Ves Matic Cube 80
  • Automatic instrument for ESR
  • No Need separate sample
  • Can be done in CBC sample – EDTA samples
  • 30 in a snap
Flowcytometry BD FACS Lyric 3 LASER 10/11colour
  • Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia, Lymphoma and myeloma.
  • Lymphocyte Subset for Primary Immunodeficiency disorder
  • Stem cell Enumeration – CD34 count
  • CD4 / CD8 Count for Immunocompromised patients
  • CD20 for Patients on Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (Rituximab)
  • Minimal Residual Disease for Acute Leukemia
Special tests
  • NBT (Nitroblue Tetrazolium) test for Chronic Granulomatous disease
  • Haemolytic anaemia workup
    • HPLC
    • Sickling test
    • Osmotic Fragility Test
  • Special Stains – Sudan Black, MPO, PAS, Pearls stain(Iron stain)…

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