GKNM Hospital > Intensive Care Unit

Intensive Care Unit

Intensive Care Unit Overview

Our Intensive Care Units provide quality & timely treatment to patients with severe and life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Our multispeciality hospital in Coimbatore is equipped with world-class critical care infrastructure to provide the best treatment. Highly trained doctors and nurses specialized in critical care are staffed at the ICUs. Our staff takes extra care and is highly cautious to record the medical condition of people taking critical care treatment in our hospital periodically.


We provide close monitoring and support with specialist equipment and medications in order to ensure quality medical care for the patients. The layout of our critical care hospital enables doctors, nurses and surgeons to have quick and nearby access to ICU patients in less time when emergency cases arise.

The department of critical care medicine holds the following units

  • Critical Care Unit 1(7 Beds)
  • Critical Care Unit 2 (5 Beds)
  • Isolation  Rooms (4 Rooms)
  • Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (10 beds)
  • Medical Intensive Care Unit (9 Beds)
  • Cardiac Intensive Coronary Care Unit (16 beds)
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery Intensive Care Unit (14 beds)
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (30 Beds)


Sub Specialties


Isolation Rooms

The isolation rooms are capable of holding ventilator patients and equiped with dialysis lines. All four rooms are negative pressure isolation rooms which can accomodate patient sufffering from infection which spreads through droplets.

Cardiac Intensive Coronary Care Unit

Coronary Care Unit
Cardiac Intensive Coronary Care Unit

The intensive care unit also holds facilities for ECMO double lung ventilation ICP monitoring and cardiac output monitoring. The unit also holds the good organ transplant program.

Cardiothoracic Surgery Intensive Care Unit

Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgery Intensive Care Unit

We have a 14 bed dedicated Adult ICU and a 6 bed dedicated Pediatric ICU with state of the art facilities as these ICU’s can perform as mini OR’s as well. We have a one to one skilled nursing for day patients and pediatric patients. Our ICU is also equipped with isolation rooms, air exchangers and dedicated cardiac transplant room, Intra Aortic Balloon Pump. PICU is specially equipped with multi channel monitors and Nitric Oxide therapy for treating neonates with pulmonary hypertension.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Paediatrics

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Paediatrics

The NICU is the largest of its kind with 30 beds (12 of which are intensive care beds) was started in 1973. The NICU is the state-of-the-art facility to treat extreme preterm babies and is equipped with ventilators, warmers, photo therapy, incubators, infusion pumps and multiparameter monitors. NICU has got Level 1, Level 2 and Isolation rooms.

  • Neonatal Resuscitation
  • Postnatal care to stable newborn infant
  • Comprehensive care of new bor gestation < 34 weeks / birthweight < 2kg
  • Full range of respiratory support
  • Surgical repair of congenital / acquired conditions
  • Post surgical care
  • Management of babies with complex congenital heart diseases needing intervention / surgery
  • Management of sepsis
  • Management of hyperbilirubinemia / IEM / Endocrine problems
  • Routine newborn screening for thyroid, hearing disorders
  • ROP screening for all pattern
  • Isolation facilities for neonates with infections
  • Breast feeding promotion
  • Counseling
  • Immunization of newborn infant
  • Retrieval of neonate from referring hospital < 60 km radius

Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

PICU which is 10 bed is equipped with ventilators, multiparameter monitors, dialysis, infusion pumps and syringe pumps to handle sick children with life threatening infections, Neurological emergencies, Hemato oncological emergencies, respiratory emergencies, trauma, post operative care etc.

PICU is equipped with facilities to provide procedural sedation for invasive procedures like lumbar puncture, intrathecal chemotherapy, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, intercostal drainage, peritoneal dialysis catheter placement, central line and dialysis catheter placement etc. ECMO facility can be offered for patients with referral and support from pediatric cardiothoracic team. PICU is manned by paediatric intensivist and well trained PICU nurses and the team offers round the clock service.

Treatment & Procedures

The below procedures are performed but not limited to…

  • Intubation
  • Central Venous Cannulation
  • Arterial Cannulation
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Tracheostomy
  • Percutaneous Tracheostomy
  • Pleural Tapping
  • Ascitic Tapping
  • Pericardiocentisis
  • Intercostal Drainage
  • Suprapubic Cystostomy
  • Percutaneous Ecmo Cannulation
  • Dialysis Cannulation
  • Epidural Analgesia

Nursing Team

The nursing team is the pillar and backbne of our ICUs Nursing care for patient ratio is distributed as;

  • 1:1 for ventilated and high risk patient
  • 2:1 for non- ventilated patients.

The nurses are competent in most procedures in ICU and can handle most of the eqipments inside the ICU.

The ICU bed holds multi parameter monitor which is capable of continuous monitoring of ECG, NIBP / IBP/SPO2, respiration and some monitors ETCO2. All 26 beds can hold ventilator patients and half the beds in each area can hold dialysis patients.

So the case distribution in each ICU includes sepsis, polytrauma, traumatic brain injury, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, liver disease, pancreatic disorder, burns, neurological and neurosurgical patients.

Team of Doctors

Dr. Senthilkumar K


Chief of Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Sathyamurthy G


Consultant Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Sabarish S


Consultant Critical Care Medicine

Dr. S. Sridevi

MBBS., MD (Paediatrics)., DNB (Paediatrics)., Fellowship in Paediatric Critical Care

Consultant Paediatric & Cardiac Critical Care Medicine


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    Mrs. Geetha Mohan, Coimbatore
    Cancer Surviver
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