The Emergency Department at GKNM Hospital has a deep routed commitment in providng ethical service without compromising quality and patient safety. Our catchment ranges over 100kms and we offer variety of services in ER which includes Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Oncology, Polytrauma, Acute Medicine and Surgical Emergencies. Being a level 1 centre for Cardiology and Neurology, we are fully trained and equipped to manage mass causalities.
Our Department consists of 7 Consultants, 16 Junior Doctors, 35 Nurses along with Physician Assistants and Paramedics.
Beds – We have 16 beds in ER which is split based on Triage Zones in to ER1 and ER2. ER1 and Resuscitation room mainly takes care of patients with severe illness and needing urgent attention. ER2 looks after patients who are stable and waiting for non-urgent specialist opinions and reviews.
Triage area – Our ER has a dedicated Triage area with doctors and nurses manned 24/7 to assess the severity of patients and allocate beds accordingly. The Triage area also guides the patient attenders/ relatives about the management in ER and gives them regular updates.
Flow chart of our ER Triage area – Red zone, Blue/ Yellow zone, Green Zone, Resuscitation room, ER counselling room
Patient Information – Attender leaflet, Discharge Advice, Finance Counseling by PRO team
ER Counselling room – Our Counselling room gives regular updates and counselling to patient attenders regarding the loved ones at 30 mins and every 1 hour till the patients are taken to appropriate place of care. We also collect feedback from Patient Attenders to improve our service.
Resuscitation room – We have a resuscitation room which gives access to all the resources necessary to stabilise an unstable patient presenting to ER. It is located close to the triage area to address the unstable patient as soon as possible.
Staff Training – We provide regular updates and training to all ER staff to give the best quality service to our patients. All ER staff are trained regularly to perform Basic Life support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS).
Ambulance Service – We have ambulances which can provide Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) as well as Basic Life Support(BLS). Ambulance staff includes Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Physician Assistants and drivers depending on the need and call of the hour.
Adult Immunisation Service – We provide Adult Immunisation with Influenza, Pneumococcal 13&23, DPT, Rubella, TT, Hep B , Hep A, Typhoid, Rabies and Covid Vaccinations
Home Care Service – Our Home care service provides excellent care of patients at the comfort of their homes and transport the sick patients to ER if necessary
Cardiology – Invasive lines, Pacing, Cardioversion, Thrombolysis, Preparation for PCI/ Thrombectomy
Neurology – Thrombolysis, Lumbar Puncture, Preparation for thrombectomy/ Neurosurgical Emergencies
Nephrology – Invasive Lines, Preparation for Dialysis
Pulmonology – ICD, Pleural Tapping
Gastroenterology – Ryle tube insertion, Ascitic Tapping, Preparation for Endoscopy
Vascular – Doppler, Preparation for Thrombectomy & IVC filters
Radiology – Mobile x-ray/ Ultrasound, E-fast, Bedside ECHO, Preparation for CT/MRI
Orthopaedics – Dislocation Reduction, Fracture Stabilisation, POP Application, C- spine stabilisation, Pelvic binder application, splint application and pain relief Injections
General – Airway Management, Tracheostomy care, Catherisation, IV Cannulation, Blood Sampling, Swabs, Vaccinations, Suturing
Chief Consultant In-Charge of the Administration and Clinical operations of the Emergency Department
Well cared for after admission in emergency l. Immediate treatment is given within 15 minutes. Cheap and Best Hospital in Coimbatore. Quality care and extended hospitalization. Special Hospital for Heart….bill very low… Thank u