GKNM Hospital > Oncology > Dr. Karthiga Sivaprakasam
Chief of Radiation Oncology

Dr. Karthiga Sivaprakasam


Doctor Schedule
New OP Days
Mon to Sat8 am to 5 pm
New OP Days
Work Experience



Clinical Expertise

  • Provide complete, comprehensive clinical care for all radiation oncology patients .
  • Expertise in advanced radiation techniques – 3DCRT,IMRT, IGRT, Gating, SRS and SBRT.
  • Competent in performing brachytherapy procedures including advanced Interstitial
    brachytherapy procedures

Awards & Achievements

  • Completed AAPL(American association physician leadership)course-2018.
  • Best Employee Award 2009 -Tawam Hospital,UAE.
  • Dr. A.L. Mudaliar’s Best Outgoing Student Award in Radiotherapy for having stood first in
    Diploma exams conducted by Medical University.

Research and Publications

  • One of the Principal investigators of National Cancer Grid multicentric audit
    “Compliance to cervical cancer chemoradiation guidelines: A multicentric
    implementation audit”- 2023
  • Co investigator of a randomised, active-controlled, multicentre, phase 2/3 trial ;
    Immunogenicity and safety of a new quadrivalent HPV vaccine in girls and boys versus
    established quadrivalent HPV vaccine in women:
    Lancet Oncology, 2023-12-01, Volume 24, Issue 12,
  • A Comparative Study of RMI and ROMA in Women Presenting with an Adnexal Mass
    Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 16(1), 4, 2018
  • Choroidal Metastases from Breast Carcinoma: Case seriesPan Arab Journal of Oncology
    Official Publication of the Arab Medical Association Against Cancer | www.amaac.org | vol
    4; issue 1 | March 2011/ISSN: 2070-254X

Professional membership

  • Life time member – Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI)
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